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A Sanctuary For The Living

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Meet Our Staff


Dennis Fairbank
Interim Director of Cemeteries


James Stein
Location Manager


Barb Pizzola
Administrative Assistant


Debbie Heavener
Family Service Advisor


Jamie Miner
Labor Foreman


Glenn Pyatt
Family Environmental Specialist


Dave Israel
Family Environmental Specialist

View All Staff Members

Mission Programs

Our mission is to provide guidance and wisdom on end of-life services. While we do charge for our services in what has become a very commercial industry, we are committed as a charity to offer innovative programs that provide financial assistance, free options, and programs to meet the needs of our faith community.

Remembrance Program
Mother Teresa Program
Family Heritage Program
Precious Lives Program

Resurrection Cemetery


Resurrection Cemetery opened in 1985 making it the Diocese of Youngstown’s newest cemetery. With over 300 acres of land, the cemetery’s 65 developed acres are surrounded by natural woodlands. This gives the cemetery a quiet, peaceful air while visiting the well-manicured grounds.

Resurrection is home to the beautiful McDonough Chapel which was graciously donated to the cemetery by Dr. McDonough and his family. The stained glass windows and black granite wall inscribed with Scripture provide the chapel an atmosphere of peace and comfort for committals and prayer.

The St. Joseph/Immaculate Heart of Mary Mausoleum, named in honor of parishes in the Diocese, serves as the central focal point for the cemetery. Black granite benches surround the mausoleum providing families sit and visit with their loved ones. Nearby is a newly constructed columbarium for cremated remains. The area features a beautiful statue of the Virgin Mother.

The cemetery provides options for traditional ground burials, cremation burials, cremation niches, mausoleum crypts, and family estates to help every family meet their individual wants and needs.Whether with immediate need or for advanced planning, our team takes pride in assisting and educating families daily.

How May We Help You Today?

Immediate Need Advanced Planning